Sardinia's Mine


Osilo is a classic mineralogical locality  nearby Sassari , Norther Sardinia, where  beautiful minerals specimens are collected. Minerals can be found in abandoned quarries near the village or along road cuts.

Osilo Village

In this site hosted and andesitic effusive rocks of oligo miocenic age  give the possibility to find well and interesting minerals; here a short description of main interesting site located around this small town:

Crastu Muradu: is a big and abandoned quarry develop on three levels; in this site is possible find same rare and interesting zeolites like Yugawaralite (in trasparent crystals till 1 cm) or Gonnardite (in red orange crystals), and also more common minerals like Laumontite (in white and pink colour), Epistilbite, Analcime, Cabasite and more; to underline the presence of showy and interesting sceptered quartz in colour from smoky to amethyst and well develop till 5 - 6 cm.

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La cava di Crastu Muradu

Cava Capurru: Hystorically is most famous locality of Osilo: from this quarry came the beautiful Amethyst quartz trasparent and bright that look like the Las Vigas ones. 

La cava Capurru

Su Marralzu Locality: this locality is located along a secondary road, and from this site came same very interesting and rare Zeolites like bright orange Cabasite till 1 - 2 cm, big red or yellow epistilbite aggregate till 2 - 3 cm, but also Laumontite, Analcime, Heulandite, ecc.  

On the Road to Chiesa di Bonaria: another site along a road in which in the past were found nice Amethyst quartz in association with Calcite and Celestine crystals.

Sa Piga Quarry: another abandoned quarry outside the small town, in this site nice white quartz till 5 cm in association with Calcite or, more interesting, reddish Celestine crystals.

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Cava Sa Piga